Friday, March 23, 2012

Snow White Strikes Back!

I suppose this happened with Cinderella a while back. When people started taking the old classic fairytale and making it modern or twisting it this way or that, and then they would name their new movie something really unique and clever like "A Cinderella Story" or "Another Cinderella Story." Anyway, It's happening again, only this time it's Snow White whose taking over. In the last few months (ish) people have created three new Snow Whites.
The first one is Ginnifer Goodwin in "Once Upon A Time" the new ABC show from the makers of "Lost." It's a fantasy, drama where all the old fairytale characters are brought together in a cool way to make a really lame show. We had hope for it. All hope is gone. Do you remember how half of America was addicted to "Lost" and then after the last episode half of America sat on their couches making excuses and trying to bring themselves to the realization that the writers really didn't have a plan. They got us all tangled up in this "twisted plot" and then left us hanging with a million loose ends. Well I think that last episode of "Lost" was a foreshadowing of the series to come. Lame. It was pretty good at first but after a while it was just boring and unintriguing. Though she was immersed in this so-so series she made a pretty good Snow White. At least she was pretty with red lips and fair skin. though she did have a few "warrior princess" moments.

The second one is Kristen Stewart in "Snow White and the Huntsman." (Not yet released)
Who in their right mind would choose Kristen Stewart to play Snow White???
It's just not right. Snow White is supposed to be feminine and pretty. Not to mention that nobody can take her seriously in any other role but the tough vampire girl. (I can't even take her seriously in That role) Oh and then they throw Thor into the mix. Shouldn't he be working on "The Avengers"? All in all this one looks dark, dirty and dumb.

Last but not least! Lily Collins in "Mirror Mirror." (Also not yet released)
Ok, I'm excited for this one. Lily Collins actually seems to fit the part. AND Julia Roberts plays the evil queen! I also think it was a very smart move to make it a comedy. Looks very well done! Here's the trailer!


  1. At least they're not dragging Cinderella through the movie theaters again! I haven't seen any previews for "Snow White and the Huntsman", but I think I'd rather see "Mirror Mirror", even though it looks a little silly. I'd rather have silly than frightening any day!

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Thank you, ladies! So glad y'all stopped be! Check back soon!

  3. Just wanted to "stop be."
    I loved this post so much I was HOPING there would be a new one. Guess not. Sigh...

