Monday, April 9, 2012

We Bought a Zoo

I liked it.

It was good.

Sad but good.

I was excited to see it but was kinda just expecting another 'Free Willy' meets 'Remember the Titans' type movie. Motivation, inspiration, save the animals, follow your dreams. Ya know? Nothing against 'Free Willy', 'Remember the Titans' or any other movie like that. Just trying to give you a mental picture.
Anyway, my loving parents gave it to me for my birthday so a couple days ago we watched it. My older siblings, my parents and I. We were quite pleasantly surprised. We really liked it. I liked that it was not only a love story between Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson's characters. It was not purely an animal drama and it was a lot about family. On top of that, it was actually quite funny too! I laughed a lot. I laugh easily though so I'll tell you this, the rest of my family laughed too. Another plus was that it was very clean. And the child actors did well. My apologies to any of you who are bothered by the fact that I started a sentence with "And".  My heart goes out to you but I'm really ok with it.

Anyway, good, good movie.

Watch it.

That is to say watch it if you'd like.

Or if you don't like.

But if you watch it and don't like, don't blame me.

I didn't tell you to watch it.

Or did I?

Now for a couple of things that you're wondering.

That weird looking, black, bearish type animal that you see a few times throughout the movie is a Binturong. Also known as a Bearcat. It's not actually related to bears though.

In real life Scarlett Johansson is 27 and Matt damon is 42. Did I just gross you out a little? Sorry.

Ok. That's all.

P.S. It's based on a true story.

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